Volunteer Spotlight: Crystal MacMillan

Nadine: How did you get involved with the festival? How long have you been a volunteer?

Crystal: I had been working as a background actor for many years on local productions before booking my first speaking role in 2021. This experience motivated me to become more involved in the film industry and show my support for local filmmakers. Volunteering with FIN over the last two years has been an amazing opportunity to connect with others who are as passionate about film as I am!

N: What is your favourite Atlantic International Film Festival memory?

C: When I was a volunteer driver taking people to and from the airport. This gave me the opportunity to have some really interesting discussions with filmmakers who had travelled to Nova Scotia for the festival.


N: What part of the film festival would you recommend to a first-time festival goer?

C: While being able to stream films at home now is a really great option, I would recommend trying to get to the theatre to see a film (or many!) during the festival. There is nothing like experiencing a story unfold on the big screen with an audience. This also gives you the chance to connect with other festival attendees and possibly the filmmakers themselves!

N: What do you most look forward to every year at FIN?

C: I look forward to reconnecting with other volunteers, making new connections, and catching as many of the productions as I can! 

N: What is your favourite film?

C: This is a hard question because I have so many favourites! One that I was reminded of recently (that I need to watch again soon!) is WILD by director Jean-Marc Vallée.

N: What is your favourite movie snack?

C: Popcorn, chocolate candy, and red liquorice. Usually a root beer too!

FIN is a not-for-profit cultural organization that offers a broad range of cinematic initiatives throughout the year, with a focus on the film industry in the Atlantic region. We thrive because of our strong ties to the arts community and our dedicated body of volunteers. Learn more: www.finfestival.ca/volunteer