The first step in a life filled with films and filmmaking is AIFF Kids!

We connect young people and film with two exciting and educational events every year: the AIFF Kids Youth Film Competition and the AIFF Kids School Tour.

Film Competition

Submissions Now Open - Free to Enter, Open to all Atlantic Canadians 18 & Under!

At AIFF Kids, we bring young people and film together, and one of our favourite ways to do that is through our Film Competition.

The Film Competition is a challenge, an opportunity to connect youth with the film industry and a showcase of Atlantic Canada's best young filmmakers. For many young Atlantic Canadians, this is the first opportunity they have to see their work on the big screen and have it be evaluated by our panel of industry professionals.

Past competition participants have gone on to present their work at the Atlantic International Film Festival, other festivals across Canada and the world. Many go on to film school and to have successful and fulfilling careers in film, media, the arts and more!

School Tour

Online Registration Still Open!

The AIFF Kids School Tour mission is to present curated movies and shorts exploring vast emotional journeys that engage, entertain and invigorate young Atlantic Canadians.

As always, we aim to provide our youth audience with a diverse program of films from the Atlantic provinces, Canada as a whole, and an international setting.

The AIFF Kids School Tour offers FREE daytime films screenings and hands-on workshops for school groups and youth organizations as well as competitions that showcase and award youth-made films. With so much incredible programming, we’re sure that every student will connect with a film or workshop that they experience at AIFF Kids. Since 2020 we are also pleased to present AIFF Kids Online, an streaming version of the AIFF Kids School Tour

AIFF Kids Partnerships