Volunteer Spotlight: Ruth Nkemjika Onyeajam

Nadine: What is your day job?

Ruth: I work as a Continuing Care Assistant in a long-term care facility, I assist people with intellectual disabilities in a group home, and I also do home care part time.

N: How did you get involved with FIN? How long have you been a volunteer?

R: I signed up as a community volunteer with ISANS [Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia], and when the opportunity came to volunteer at FIN, ISANS contacted me and I gladly accepted it. I have been a volunteer for one year now.

N: What is your favourite FIN Atlantic International Film Festival memory?

R: I learnt new things, made new friends, and had the firsthand experience of meeting with new and veteran actors, film makers and so on. I was particularly impressed by how everything moved like clockwork. Every volunteer knew what to do at the right time and the organizers made it very easy for the volunteers to fit into the schedule of things.

N: What part of the film festival would you recommend to a first-time festival goer?

R: I would recommend the documentaries and the real-life stories. A lot is revealed when you hear people tell their stories.

N: What do you most look forward to every year at FIN?

R: I look forward to volunteering in any capacity that I may be needed, making new friends, meeting actors, directors and film makers and expanding my network.

N: What is your favourite film?

R: THE COLOUR OF SPRING. I have always loved thriller movies, and THE COLOUR OF SPRING was not only a thriller but it was also full of suspense. From start to finish, it keeps you at the edge of your seat. The choice of monochrome pictures was another interesting thing about the movie. You keep wondering when the screen will turn back into full colour and why… this eventually happened at the end of the movie as a sign of liberation for the couple in the story.

THE COLOUR OF SPRING speaks to me personally in a number of ways. It made me think of what my main priorities are and to know that first things such as family and love must come first and should never be traded for any other thing. It made me realize how deeply involved one can be in a particular thing that it totally robs you of every other important thing, and to learn to strike a balance in whatever I do. I would recommend the movie to everyone, it’s a must watch!

N: What is your favourite movie snack?

R: Popcorn and fizzy drink!

FIN is a not-for-profit cultural organization that offers a broad range of cinematic initiatives throughout the year, with a focus on the film industry in the Atlantic region. We thrive because of our strong ties to the arts community and our dedicated body of volunteers. Learn more: www.finfestival.ca/volunteer