2025 AIFF Kids School Tour Program
Available In-Cinema Only
Cat is a solitary animal, but when its home is devastated by a great flood he is forced to find refuge on a boat populated by various species. The animals, including a secretary bird, a capybara, a lemur, and a dog, have to team up despite their differences in search for dry land, and while navigating the dangers along the way. Golden Globe Winner for Best Animated Feature and nominated for the Academy Awards.
Curriculum Connections: This film provides a form of visual mentor text, which is valuable in both English and French language arts lessons. It will also spark discussions about the elements of writing for film, such as the development of characters, setting, plot, and resolution, as the framework of analysis. Students can deepen their comprehension of the film by first retelling the events, and then applying their skill by posing questions and making inferences. Most importantly, students can explore the film content as conveying a message, using critical thinking, to allow them to discover the role of inclusivity as important to survival when faced with powerful adversity.
Recommended for Grades 4-12
Themes: Working together in the face of adversity, compassion, gratitude, and perseverance
Content Advisories: Some frightening scenes, Climate change/disaster
Director: Gints Zilbalodis
Latvia, Belgium | 85 minutes | No dialogue, animation
Inspired by a true story, 47 is Café Joyeux’s completely hand-made, animated stop-motion film created not just for, but by the Down syndrome community.
Recommended for grades 4-6
Themes: Disabilities awareness, empowerment, resilience
Content advisories: Moments of discrimination
Director: Paulo Garcia
Canada | 6 minutes | English, Animation
Shortly before the end of the summer holidays, a country boy spends his savings on his dream of a city hairstyle – with surprising results. A story about bidding farewell to childhood and the poetic end of a summer.
Recommended for grades 10-12
Themes: Identity, independence
Director: Lam Can-zhao
People’s Republic of China, Switzerland, Malaysia | 15 minutes
Every morning, Boris the village baker makes a fresh batch of crusty bread and pastries for all his neighbours until… Achoo! He can’t stop sneezing. He has become allergic to flour. How will he manage to keep baking for everyone in the village?
Boris, le boulanger du village, offre chaque jour à ses voisins des pains croustillants, jusqu'au jour où… Atchoum ! Il n’arrive plus à arrêter ses éternuements. Devenu allergique à la farine, comment va-t-il faire pour fournir le village ?
Recommended for grades P-3
Themes: Community, problem-solving, sharing
Director: Maša Avramović
France | 8 minutes | No dialogue, animation
Beka and her dog, Nico, set out to visit family across Canada. They travel province by province, taking in each unique landscape and experiencing something special to that particular part of this vast, grand country.
Recommended for grades P-3
Themes: Science, nature, family, Canadian ecology
Director: Rebeka Herron
Canada | 5 minutes | English, Animation
Beurk ! Les bisous sur la bouche c’est dégoûtant. Sauf qu’en secret, le petit Léo a très envie d’essayer…
Yuck! Kissing on the mouth is disgusting. But secretly, little Léo really wants to try it...
Academy Award Nominated
Recommended for grades 7-12
Themes: Coming-of-age, self-discovery, romance, puberty, intimacy, sexual health
Content Advisories: Teasing language, intimacy
Director: Loïc Espuche
France | 13 minutes | French, animation
Beka and her dog, Nico, set out to visit family across Canada. They travel province by province, taking in each unique landscape and experiencing something special to that particular part of this vast, grand country.
Recommended for grades P-3
Themes: Science, nature, family, Canadian ecology
Director: Rebeka Herron
Canada | 5 minutes | English, Animation
Hunting season has begun. A family of capybaras seek refuge in a chicken coop, but the hens don't trust them. The curiosity of the youngest members of the families will create a union with unexpected consequences…
La saison de la chasse a commencé. Une famille de carpinchos fuit les chasseurs et tente de se réfugier dans un poulailler. Les poules chassent ces nouveaux arrivants car elles les trouvent étranges. Elles ne leurs font pas confiance et craignent de perdre leurs privilèges d’animaux de ferme. Mais la curiosité et l’insistance des plus jeunes créera une union qui aura des retombées inattendues…
Recommended for grades P-6
Themes: Community
Content advisories: Image of gun with farmer
Director: Alfredo Soderguit
France, Uruguay | 10 minutes | No dialogue, animation
A girl, a goat, and a shopping trolley travel around Australia looking for the chicken lady.
Recommended for grades 10-12
Themes: Independence, adventure
Director: Rachel Mackey
Australia | 13 minutes | English, Animation
Portrait of a community of children in downtown Quebec
Portrait d'une communauté d'enfants au centre-ville de Québec.
Recommended for grades 4-9
Themes: Immigrant perspective, resilience, music
Director: Helene Matte
Canada | 3 minutes | French, Live-action
Every night, Paulette observes the same shooting star in the sky. She makes her deepest wish : to find her mysteriously missing pet rat. The days go by, but the animal doesn't return. Paulette wants to understand what's wrong with her star.
Chaque nuit, Paulette observe la même étoile filante dans le ciel. La petite fille lui adresse son voeu le plus cher: celui de retrouver son rat domestique mystérieusement disparu. Les jours passent et l’animal ne revient pas. Paulette veut comprendre ce qui cloche avec son étoile.
Recommended for grades P-12
Themes: friendship, bravery, problem-solving
Director: Marion Jamault
France | 9 minutes | No dialogue (French music), animation
De la petite sirène tourmentée à la femme épanouie qu’elle est aujourd’hui, Gigi nous raconte son parcours de transition avec humour et sensibilité.
From the tormented little mermaid to the fulfilled woman she is today, Gigi tells us about her gender transition with humor and sensitivity.
Recommended for grades 10-12
Themes: Gender and sexuality, identity, self-love
Content Advisories: Mature content, course language
Director: Cynthia Calvi
France | 14 minutes | French, animation
Questioning why she “has to” shave her hairy legs launches one 13-year-old girl on a journey of self-discovery.
Recommended for grades 10-12
Themes: Identity, puberty, feminism, community
Content advisories: Themes of sexuality, conformity, scenes with blood
Director: Andrea Dorfman
Canada | 17 minutes | English, Animation
Alfonso, a young squirrel, loves taking pictures of clouds, sometimes taking extreme measures to capture them.
Recommended for grades 4-9
Themes: Independence, identity, nature, community
Curriculum Connection: Art, science. Students could be inspired to develop a cloud calalogue. Discussions about personal passions, being misunderstood, introversion, the temperment of artists and explorers are worth broaching in a SEL (socio-emotional learning) framework.
Director: Rémi Durin
France | 11 minutes | French, animation
In a winter wonderland two friends are having a blast ice-skating on a frozen lake when suddenly a strange and unfamiliar world cracks open underneath them: now they must learn how to deal with the otherness, not letting the fear rule.
Au pays des merveilles glacées, deux camarades s’amusent à faire du patin à glace sur un lac gelé. Soudain, un monde mystérieux et inconnu s’ouvre sous leurs pieds. Des créatures ont besoin d’aide et il est temps d’apprendre à dominer sa peur.
Recommended for grades P-6
Themes: Friendship, Working together, overcoming fear
Director: Ignas Meilūnas
Lithuania | 12 minutes | No dialogue, animation
Arthur and Julian are roommates at an all-boys boarding school. Arthur is in love with Julian. Julian doesn’t have the time of day for Arthur. When Julian starts sleepwalking –– and the weather starts stirring –– it creates a strange, intimate space in their lives.
Recommended for grades 10-12
Themes: Gender and sexuality, belonging
Content Advisories: Queer content, upper body cis-male body nudity, instance of smoking
Director: Connor Jessup
Canada | 15 minutes | English, Live-action
Dans le Nord, l'hiver approche. Une ourse pense à son ami oiseau qui a migré vers le Sud. Au lieu d'hiberner comme chaque année, elle décide de traverser le monde pour le rejoindre.
In the North, winter is approaching. Bear thinks of her friend Bird who migrated south. Instead of hibernating like she does every year, she decides to travel the world to join him.
Themes: Friendship, home
Curriculum Connections: The film presents many entry points for discussion, and vocabulary enrichment. Some ideas worth exploring: "What did you predict would happen? How did the journey to the bird's island transform the bear? What would be the most important message to take away from this little film?"
Director: Marie Caudry
France | 26 minutes | French, Animation
Chaque semaine, deux amies nées à 67 ans d'écart partagent leurs histoires de vie dans le salon d'une maison de retraite. La plus jeune réussit à convaincre la dame de 107 ans de la joindre dans un voyage en voiture jusqu'à la mer.
Every week, two friends born 67 years apart share their life stories in a senior home's living room. The younger friend convinces the 107-year-old lady to join her in an adventure: a road trip to the sea.
Recommended for grades 10-12
Themes: Adventure, exploration, aging, friendship
Director: Raquel Sancinetti
Canada | 15 minutes | French, Live-action/Animation Hybrid
Déterminée à montrer à sa grande sœur, Eileen, qu’elle maîtrise enfin la magie des plantes, Iris n’hésite pas à partir à sa recherche dans la Grande serre sans se douter que celle-ci est en proie au terrifiant monstre végétal qu’elle a créé par erreur…
Determined to show her big sister, Eileen, that she finally masters the magic of plants, Iris does not hesitate to go look for her in the Great Greenhouse without suspecting that Eileen is experiencing an attack of the terrifying plant monster that she has created by mistake…
Recommended for grades 4-9
Themes: Adventure, sibling bond
Content Advisories: Aggressive battle (with magic)
Director: Thomas Wiegand-Raymond, Ellie-Joy Richard, Mae Beaumale, Tom Berry, Virginie Platteborze, Elise Lepercque, Emma Carmona
France | Runtime: 6 minutes | French, Animation
After witnessing an old dark stormy cloud painfully rain and die in sorrow, Noma, a puffy white cloud realizes that Mixtli, her daughter, a dark stormy cloud, is in danger of raining prematurely.
Après avoir vu un vieux nuage sombre et orageux pleuvoir douloureusement et mourir de chagrin, Noma, un nuage blanc et bouffi, réalise que Mixtli, sa fille, un nuage sombre et orageux, risque de pleuvoir prématurément.
Recommended for grades P-3
Themes: Independence, selflessness
Director: Christian Arredondo Narváez, Diego Alonso Sánchez de la Barquera Estrada
France, Mexico, Hungary | 8 minutes | No dialogue, animation
A young Black ballerina performs her Sunday rituals, while facing the pressure to perform whiteness. An unapologetic celebration of the powerful, ancestral bond embedded in Black women.
Recommended for grades 4-12
Themes: African diaspora perspective, identity, pride, community
Director: Alicia K. Harris
Canada | 9 minutes | English, Live-action
Rebecca Thomas's poetry, paired with Pauline Young's illustrations and Struan Sutherland's animation, authentically explores family struggles, fostering empathy and connection through a poignant, animated portrayal.
Recommended for grades 10-12
Themes: Indigenous perspective, resilience
Director: Stephanie Joline
Canada | 3 minutes | English, Animation
Dans une banlieue plongée d'un été caniculaire, Julia et Raphaëlle tentent de combattre l'ennui du mieux qu'elles peuvent. Entre promener les chiens de leur vieille voisine aveugle ou l’urgence de terminer un vidéoclip avant que Raph retourne en Roumanie, elles grandissent dans des directions opposées. Ce récit nostalgique semi-autobiographique raconte les derniers moments de cet inévitable été d'entre-deux entre l'enfance et l'adolescence.
June 2010. 11 years old Julia and Raphaëlle are the best at killing time together. Between walking their blind neighbor’s dogs and finishing their music video before Raph returns to Romania, they unconsciously grow apart. This nostalgic semi-autobiographical story recounts the last moments of the inevitable and awkward summer between childhood and adolescence.
Recommended for grades 10-12
Themes: Friendship, adolescence
Content Advisories: Instance of stealing, pretend smoking. Mature subject matter may be troubling to some viewers
Director: Justine Prince
Canada | 18 minutes | French, Live-action
A dreamlike parable about immigration, Permit Garden follows a nameless child as they toil to gain exit from the Garden. Drawing from personal experience, the film sheds light on the difficulties of navigating administrative obstacles within the Canadian immigration system, as well as the resilience and hope of individuals
Recommended for grades 10-12
Themes: Immigrant perspective
Director: Jenny Yujia Shi
Canada | 6 minutes | No dialogue, animation
Told through animation, a young Taiwanese schoolkid is afraid to bring her lunch to school out of the fear of being ridiculed for being different.
Recommended for grades P-3
Themes: friendship, acceptance, sharing of cultures
Director: Kristina Pringle
United Kingdom | 2 minutes | English, animation
ÉTÉ 96 (SUMMER 96)
L'éternel pique-nique du 15 août sur l’île Callot. Mais cette année, Paul, sa famille, leurs amis, se retrouvent piégés par la marée. Paul, bouleversé, coincé entre le monde des adultes et celui des enfants, prend conscience de son individualité.
The eternal August 15 picnic on Callot Island. But this year, Paul, his family and their friends find themselves trapped by the tide. Paul, upset, stuck between the world of adults and that of children, becomes aware of his individuality.
Recommended for grades 7-12
Themes: Family, problem-solving
Content Advisories: Course language
Director: Mathilde Bédouet
France | 13 minutes | French, animation
When an unexpected phone call from his father Terry interrupts Ben’s quiet night in with his mother, we watch him struggle to make both of his parents happy, a feat that he can never truly achieve.
Recommended for grades 4-6
Themes: Family challenges
Content advisories: Divorce
Director: Dylan Duff
Canada | 8 minutes | English, Live-action
Le Chien a Mangé Mes Devoirs est un court-métrage en stop-motion ludique où les devoirs de Charlie sont détournés par un chien espiègle sur son écran. Une réflexion malicieuse sur l’emprise d’Internet qui invite à regarder au-delà du numérique.
The Dog Ate My Homework is a playful stop-motion short where Charlie’s homework is derailed by a mischievous dog on her screen. A witty take on the internet’s grip, the film reminds us to look beyond the digital world.
Recommended for grades 4-6
Themes: Internet and social media, responsibility
Director: Alexandra Lemay
Canada | 5 minutes | French, Animation
A child leaves home in the middle of the night into the undergrowth, boots on his feet. A little creature takes him into the heart of the forest to meet the nocturnal inhabitants that live there.
Un enfant sort de chez lui en pleine nuit et entre dans les sous-bois, bottes aux pieds. Une bête curieuse et solitaire va l’entraîner au coeur de la forêt à la rencontre des créatures nocturnes qui y vivent.
Recommended for grades P-9
Themes: Independence, imagination, compassion
Director: Pierre-Luc Granjon
France | 13 minutes | English and French versions available, Animation
A magical take on a true story, The Queenʻs Flowers is an animated short adventure for kids that follows Emma, a Native Hawaiian girl in 1915 Honolulu, as she makes a special gift for the last monarch of Hawai`i, Queen Lili`uokalani.
Recommended for grades 4-12
Themes: Indigenous perspective, compassion, history
Content Advisories: Indigenous boarding school depiction, religious and war imagery
Director: Ciara Leinaʻala Lacy
USA | 11 minutes | Hawaiian, Animation
Timo is busy making his nest, when he hears a reply to his mating call. Desperate to find his mate, he takes flight, only to find the source of the reply is not what he had hoped.
Recommended for grades P-12
Themes: Biodiversity, conservation, habitat
Content Advisories: Climate change and extinction
Director: Francesco Guarini
United Kingdom, Spain | 3 minutes
No dialogue, animation
Two One Two, by animation filmmaker Shira Avni, combines shimmering clay on glass animation with personal archives in this deeply intimate, experimental animated documentary love letter to motherhood, parenting on the spectrum, and two headed monsters everywhere.
Two One Two de la cinéaste canadienne Shira Avni, est un documentaire animé expérimental intime plongeant dans la neurodiversité, le lien d’amour entre mère et enfant, et le processus de (dé)devenir un monstre à deux têtes.
Recommended for grades P-9
Themes: Parent and child bond, neurodiversité
Director: Shira Avni
Canada | 4 minutes | English/French, animated documentary
Welima'q is a poetic doc, witnessing a sweetgrass landscape on the shores of Mi'kma'ki. Between the salt water and forest line, a family weaves themselves within these grasses. It is the sweet scent that draws them in, and ultimately goes home with them. Still, this earth breathes and bends, continuing on after us.
Recommended for grades 4-12
Themes: Indigenous perspective, knowledge sharing, community
Recommended discussion on Mi'kmaw traditions and the importance and use of sweet grass prior to viewing.
Director: shalan joudry
Canada | 5 minutes | Mi’kmaq, Live-action
Discover a day in the life of busy pollinators as they forage for pollen, weather a rainstorm, and squeeze in a well deserved nap on a dandelion before heading back home.
Recommended for grades P-6
Themes: Local ecology, biodiversity, conservation
Director: Rose Schoonhoven
Canada | 6 minutes | English, Live-action
Baking with Boris
Rice Ball
Two One Two
Wild Bumblebees
Beka & Nico
The Unseen
Hoofs on skates
COURTS MÉTRAGES 4: 4e à la 6e (90 min)
Hoofs on skates
Tête en l’air
Le chien a mangé mes devoirs
Les Bottes De La Nuit
The Unseen
Nous vois-tu?
L’Ourse et l’Oiseau
SHORTS 2: GRADES 4-6 (82 min)
The Queen’s Flowers
On a Sunday at 11
The Unseen
Wild Bumblebees
The Night Boots
Hoofs on skates
COURTS MÉTRAGES 5: 7e à la 9e (76 min)
Été 96
Nous vois-tu?
Tête en l’air
Deux en Deux
Les Bottes De La Nuit
SHORTS 3: GRADES 10-12 (94 min)
A Summer's End Poem
The Queen’s Flowers
Hairy Legs
Julian and the Wind
Permit Garden
One of Those Families
On a Sunday at Eleven
COURTS MÉTRAGES 6: 10e à la 12e (89 min)
Peau de pêche
Été 96
The Unseen